Becoming A Crazy Cat Person Might Actually be Good for You

By Ruby M

Good news for introverts who love cats! Although cleaning up the litter that always seems to get everywhere instead of staying in the litter box might be a tad bit stressful, studies have shown that spending time with your purring cat can actually help to reduce anxiety, and assist in the treating and healing of human illnesses.

Image Credit: Kristen Levine /

Although occasionally, purring in cats can be due to nervousness or to make them feel safer, cats usually purr when they feel content, happy, and safe – or sometimes, when their human is unwell. When a cat purrs, they release endorphins which are considered to be natural painkillers; a cat’s purr can also release endorphins in humans. This could be a reason why humans feel better when they have a purring kitty in their lap.

The frequency of the vibrations of a cat purr ranges between 20-140 hertz, which has been scientifically linked to be medically therapeutic for illnesses in humans. A cat’s purr can not only assist with and in lowering stress hormones and blood pressure, but can also help to heal infections and even assist in healing bones. Purring can also help those suffering from labored breathing – so no matter your ailment, a cat might just be the best medicine!

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So, next time your dog-loving friend tries to convince you that dogs are better because they don’t hiss at strangers or claw the brand new couch – remind them how your kitty has the astounding ability to heal so many different ailments simply by purring!