Kitty Inspires Couple To Start Their Own Business
If you have pets, especially a cat or a dog, you probably let your fur baby sleep anywhere and everywhere. While you enjoy having them cuddle on your bed or couch, it’s imperative to still have a bed that’s theirs and theirs alone. Having their own space can provide a sense of security that any loving pet parent wants to provide. After all, every pet owner’s top priority is to keep their pet comfortable, well-fed, warm, happy, and alive.
While cats love plush beds just as much as dogs do, they love curling up in an enclosed space. They love the sense of security and privacy that these cubby-like spaces provide. That’s what Kateryna wanted to make for her cat, Tara.
Ukrainian artist Kateryna had experience felting with clothes and toys, so it wasn’t a huge leap to make something for her pet cat. She made a cute felt cat cozy for Tara. The kitty immediately occupied the bed, and Kateryna and her husband Denis got an idea. Why not share the love? Kateryna got crafting and made more beds for cats all over the world to enjoy. Over the years, the couple perfected their art, originality, and quality to fit each cat owner’s preference. You can find dozens of designs on their Etsy store “Meow Felt Shop.”
The couples took inspiration from a little kitty! If you are scared to do something in life, look at the tiniest thing that makes you happy and let it be your motivation!